Satellite Camp Recce

TWO DAYS AGO the 3 peaks challenge team took off to the 1st Camp – Solo / Crater Camp with the Horse Patrol team to accompany them for the first night. The climb has been organised by Gwili Gibbon our Programme Officer funds for our the Horse Patrol Team so we can expand the team and build satellite camps so that the team can move further afield. The team reached Austrian Hut (4700m) today.

The horses  thoroughly enjoyed their night camping under the stars. They were very relaxed on the rope with their thick blankets and very much enjoyed the early morning mountain views!

100% of funds raised by this campaign will be put directly into the Mount Kenya Trust’s Horse Patrol Team. This will be undertaken as soon as the funds are received and we hope to begin recruitment of the new team members in April 2016. Sites for the satellite camps have been proposed in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service and construction could also begin within the first half of 2016. Purchase of the radios and materials for stable expansion would also begin within this timeframe.

100% of funds raised by this campaign will be put directly into the Mount Kenya Trust’s Horse Patrol Team. Sites for the satellite camps have been proposed in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service and construction could also begin within the first half of 2016. Purchase of the radios and materials for stable expansion would also begin within this timeframe.

Sites for the satellite camps have been proposed in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service and construction could also begin within the first half of 2016. Purchase of the radios and materials for stable expansion would also begin within this timeframe.

£12,000 will employ and equip four new community rangers for a period of two years.

£5,000 will allow for the construction of two satellite camps at either ends of the HPT’s current range. Thereby allowing them to undertake multi day patrols and protect more of the mountain.

£1,500 will allow for the expansion of the stable block at the HPT’s base, allowing us to house so more ponies that we have kindly been offered.

£1,500 will allow for the purchase of radios for the team.

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